"Kiki & Nuna · Beautiful New World",the latest installment in the "Kiki and Nuna" animated series following its first two seasons, focuses on aesthetic education. The show centers around Kiki the little pig, Nuna the baby elephant, and their four other friends living in a small town (Mumu the lamb, Cici the chick, Nini the rabbit, and Popo the panda). Their days are filled with joy, fun, and happiness, allowing them to discover various beautiful scenes and objects in life. Whenever they do, Dada Train arrives to take them on a journey into an imaginative world where they can get up close and personal with these things, enhancing their appreciation, cognition, and ability to explore the world and find beauty independently.
Kiki & Nuna is a series of animation works created by Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd. and distributed by Medialink Group Limited. The animation starts from the perspective of children and tells the story of six children living in a small town, combined with the psychological growth trajectory of children. In their daily lives, they encounter various problems, such as emotional problems between friends, safety issues in life, behavioral norms in dealing with others, and scientific principles in the wonderful world. When they encounter problems that they cannot solve, they call on the robot XiaoYou. With the help of XiaoYou, the children will grow up healthily in happiness.
Kiki & Nuna is a series of animation works created by Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd. and distributed by Medialink Group Limited. The animation takes children's perspectives as a starting point, combines with their psychological growth trajectory, and tells the story of six little friends living in a small town. They encounter various problems in their daily lives such as science, emotions, safety, and social skills, and grow happily while solving these problems.
The Adventures of Ludang is jointly produced by Suzhou Leaping Dolphin Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd. It is a key recommended project by the National Radio and Television Administration. The creative team tried to change the stereotype of red theme documentary, and from the perspective of contemporary children, it used children to tell revolutionary stories in a way that was more interesting and easier for children to accept.
Originally produced by Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd., Shining Girls is an animated film for girls and children aged 7-13, which combines action, rock and roll, adventure, marine bioscience, environmental protection and teamwork to help the audience understand a variety of interesting knowledge about the ocean and the infinite charm of teamwork. The overall style is mainly soft, dreamy and feminine, not only with the character setting of girls transforming into graceful mermaids, but also with some gorgeous and exquisite accessories, which enhances the attractiveness of the characters and lays a good foundation for the development of back-end industries.
Dino Detective Agency is a children's popular animation jointly produced by Suzhou Leaping Dolphin Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd., the original intention of the film is to lead children to travel the internal world, let them understand their bodies, so as to develop good living habits.
Mystery of Haunster is an original project being created by Zhenjiang AIM Culture Technology Co., Ltd., which is an adventure theme anime about children's mental health, mainly for young children aged 3-8. The original intention of the animation is to let children bravely face the ordinary fears of daily life, actively change some of their not so good habits and small character defects, and let children reinvent themselves better in adventures again and again.
Copyright: Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd.苏ICP备16051939号