Discovering the World of Beauty
"Kiki & Nuna · Beautiful New World",the latest installment in the "Kiki and Nuna" animated series following its first two seasons, focuses on aesthetic education. The show centers around Kiki the little pig, Nuna the baby elephant, and their four other friends living in a small town (Mumu the lamb, Cici the chick, Nini the rabbit, and Popo the panda). Their days are filled with joy, fun, and happiness, allowing them to discover various beautiful scenes and objects in life. Whenever they do, Dada Train arrives to take them on a journey into an imaginative world where they can get up close and personal with these things, enhancing their appreciation, cognition, and ability to explore the world and find beauty independently.
Aesthetic education is the most important and foundational part of one's worldview education. "Discovering Beauty" is at the heart of aesthetic education, teaching children to recognize and understand the existence and significance of beauty through engaging stories and stunning visuals. "Appreciating Beauty" involves a deeper understanding of the essence and meaning of beauty through the appreciation of artworks, music, literature, and more. "Creating Beauty" enhances children's imagination and expression skills through creation, allowing them to better convey emotions and thoughts. "Kiki & Nuna · Beautiful New World" aims to guide children to discover, appreciate, and create beauty together, exploring the infinite beauty that surrounds us.
Copyright: Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd.苏ICP备16051939号