Kiki & Nuna

Kiki & Nuna is a series of animation works created by Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd. and distributed by Medialink Group Limited. The animation takes children's perspectives as a starting point, combines with their psychological growth trajectory, and tells the story of six little friends living in a small town. They are curious little pig Kiki, helpful little elephant Nuna, book-loving little lamb Mumu, naughty little chicken Cici, lazy little panda Popo, and dress-loving little rabbit Nini. They encounter various problems in their daily lives such as science, emotions, safety, and social skills, and grow happily while solving these problems.


In the first season of Kiki & Nuna the wonderful scientific principles, emotional problems among friends, safety issues in life, and behavior norms in social skills are used to teach children while entertaining them through animation. The series premiered on CCTV on November 6th, 2020 and received high praise from the industry. Since then, it has been broadcast on over 60 local TV stations and more than 20 online platforms, deeply loved by children.


Kiki & Nuna has won various honors such as the recommended national outstanding animated works in the third quarter of 2020, outstanding domestic animated works in 2021, the premium support project of Jiangsu Radio and Television Bureau, top 10 new animation IP award of "Yuhou Award" in 2020, and excellent work award of the "Five-One Project" in the 12th Jiangsu Provincial Spiritual Civilization Construction in 2022.


上一篇 : Kiki & Nuna 2

下一篇 : The Adventures of Ludang

Copyright: Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd.苏ICP备16051939号