"Shuke Beita: The Pentagonal Flying Saucer" is the debut co-production from Aola Animation, in collaboration with the renowned IP, "Shuke and Beita". Aola Animation spearheaded the primary production processes, showcasing its robust capabilities and extensive experience in original animation production. This collaboration marks a significant partnership between Aola Animation and a top-tier IP brand. Released during the 2023 New Year's Eve period, the film grossed over 66 million yuan at the box office, emerging as the children's animated movie with the best word-of-mouth in 2023.
Morphing Car 4 is an animation project jointly invested by Alpha Animation and Aola Animation. Aola Animation is responsible for the whole process of production from script to film. The first three-dimensional work in the series, which deeply combines product and plot, is the first transformation of product content film.
GG Bond: Diary of Dinosaurs is co-produced by Guangzhou WinSing Animation and Aola Animation, and Ola Animation is responsible for the whole process from script to post-production. After 3 years of script development, the project digs deep into the perfect fit between IP image and plot content.
Cleo & Cuquin is a Spanish animated television series for children. It tells the adventure story of Cleo, a six-year-old girl, and her younger brother Cuquin, who is always in trouble. They embark on fun and imaginative adventures with their siblings Tete, Pelusin, Colitas and Maripi.
Rainbow Rangers is produced by Genius Brands International in the United States, and Aola Animation is responsible for the whole process of production from early art creativity to middle and late stages. The project is equipped with an exclusive English production.
The Tales of Wonder Keepers is an animation project cooperated by Aola Animation and iQIYI, a well-known domestic video platform, and Aola Animation is responsible for the whole process output from pre-script to post-production.
Cute Chicken Team is a series of anime that has been cooperating with Korean companies for a long time, and Aola Animation is responsible for the production from model to post, and is equipped with an exclusive Korean production for this project.
Seer Movie 7: Crazy Intelligence is an animated film in the "Seer" series, produced by Shanghai Taomee Network Technology Co., Ltd. Aola Animation was involved in the mid- and post-production of the project, and previously, Aola Animation was also involved in the production of several animated films in the series.
Beyond the Ocean is an animation work produced by iQIYI, adapted from the famous writer Ma Boyong's novel series of novels of the same name. Aola Animation is involved in the production of the model to post-production. Aola Animation used motion capture technology in the production process of the project, which greatly improved the quality and efficiency of animation production.
Go Go Bus is a series of cartoons produced by Guangzhou WinSing Animation Co., Ltd., Aola Animation is responsible for the whole process production from the early script to the later stage. Aola Animation created 100 story points for the project, with a selection of 26.
Produced by Beijing Huangyu Culture Media Co., Ltd. and BTV KAKU Children Channel, Piggy Bing Bing is China's first animal anthropomorphic giant and family-friendly comedy film, and Aola Animation participated in the middle and late production of the project.
GG Bond:Guarding is a fantasy comedy animation film jointly produced by Guangdong WinSing Animation, LeEco, MGTV, Shenzhen JAKI Entertainment, Shenzhen Proview Technology and other companies. Aola Animation was involved in the production of some of the scenes, animations and lighting renderings of the project.
Three Squirrels is distributed by Anhui Squirrel Entertainment Co., Ltd., and Aola Animation participated in the middle and post-production of the project.
Toys' Cruiser is jointly produced by Hangzhou TThunder Animation Co., Ltd., Pipilu Company(Beijing)Limited, and Shanghai Tencent Penguin Film Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Aola Animation participated in the middle and post-production of the project.
Lucky star is jointly produced by Zhejiang Ruichen Picture Co.Ltd, Shandong Film & TV Production, Hangzhou Wawayu Animation Design Co., Ltd., and Hangzhou Flowcolor Animation, and Aola Animation participated in the middle and later production of the project.
All New Jackie Chan Adventures is produced by Talent Television & Film Co., Ltd., Horgos Jejie Culture, and Shanghai Liweijie Digital Technology Co., Ltd. is a 3D cartoon produced by Jackie Chan, and the protagonist of the film, Jackie, is also based on Jackie Chan. Aola Animation participated in the production of the animation phase of the project.
The Westward is jointly produced by Shanghai Tencent Pictures Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Byment Culture Co., Ltd., Shanghai Tencent Penguin Film Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Adapted from the comic of the same name created by Hong Kong comic book author Zheng Jianhe and Deng Zhihui. Aola Animation was responsible for the production of the lighting rendering phase of the project.
Map of Mountains and Rivers is adapted from the original manga of the same name serialized by Tencent Comics, and is produced by Shenzhen Maten Animation, and Aola Animation is responsible for the production of some characters, scenes and rigs of the project.
Shen Shou Jin Gang:Chao Bian Xing Jia Produced by Guangzhou Daley Animation Co., Ltd., was the first super invincible King Kong animation masterpiece in China, and Aola Animation was responsible for the character animation, rendering and special effects part of the project.
Copyright: Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd.苏ICP备16051939号