Map of Mountains and Rivers

Map of Mountains and Rivers is adapted from the original manga of the same name serialized by Tencent Comics, and is produced by Shenzhen Maten Animation, and Aola Animation is responsible for the production of some characters, scenes and rigs of the project.

Map of Mountains and Rivers tells the story of the young Dawei is an ordinary member of all sentient beings, pursuing the principle of protecting one's life. One day, he did a good deed on a whim, but he was taken to a wonderful space, and learned that the world he was in was only a fantasy world created by Nuwa with the artifact "Mountain and River Society Jitu", and due to the destruction of treasures, this fantasy world was on the verge of collapse. And beyond the fantasy world, there is a real world! Only by going to the real world to find a way to repair it can we save this fantasy world. After learning the truth, in order to repair his home, Dawei resolutely decided to go to the real world.

上一篇 : The Westward

下一篇 : Shen Shou Jin Gang:Chao Bian Xing Jia

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