"Shuke Beita: The Pentagonal Flying Saucer" is the debut co-production from Aola Animation, in collaboration with the renowned IP, "Shuke and Beita". Aola Animation spearheaded the primary production processes, showcasing its robust capabilities and extensive experience in original animation production. This collaboration marks a significant partnership between Aola Animation and a top-tier IP brand. Released during the 2023 New Year's Eve period, the film grossed over 66 million yuan at the box office, emerging as the children's animated movie with the best word-of-mouth in 2023.
"Shuke Beita: The Pentagonal Flying Saucer" embarking on adventures into space with their newly-equipped pentagonal flying saucer. However, upon their return to Earth, they unexpectedly find themselves in Magic Square City ten years into the future. The airline run by the mice has been obliterated, and a group of rats, who call themselves the "Extreme Robber Gang," have seized control of the airport, committing all manner of nefarious deeds! In a bid to rebuild their homes, Shuke and Beta infiltrate the Extreme Robber Gang to commence an undercover operation!
Copyright: Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd.苏ICP备16051939号