GG Bond: Diary of Dinosaurs is co-produced by Guangzhou WinSing Animation and Aola Animation, and Ola Animation is responsible for the whole process from script to post-production. After 3 years of script development, the project digs deep into the perfect fit between IP image and plot content.
GG Bond: Diary of Dinosaurs tells the story of GG Bond, who lost his whereabouts in a crossing accident, Woody came to the dinosaur world alone, not only met the little stegosaurus Yaya, the monkey Peanut and the carcharodontosaurus Claw on the way, but also experienced a series of adventure stories with them against the dinosaur gangster led by the velociraptor Lightning.
GG Bond: Diary of Dinosaurs was released in Chinese mainland on May 1, 2021, setting a record in the history of the May Day Golden Week children's animated film box office - 79.32 million, which is also the best box office work in the series.
Copyright: Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd.苏ICP备16051939号