Seer Movie 7: Crazy Intelligence is an animated film in the "Seer" series, produced by Shanghai Taomee Network Technology Co., Ltd. Aola Animation was involved in the mid- and post-production of the project, and previously, Aola Animation was also involved in the production of several animated films in the series.
Seer Movie 7: Crazy Intelligence mainly tells the story of 2110 AD, the earth that is about to run out of energy is devastated, and all mankind is facing disaster. In the nick of time, a group of brave Sayre intelligent robots boarded the Sayre spaceship and were ordered to go to the vast universe to find endless energy. In the blink of an eye, several years later, the interstellar explorer Ash's copycat, the genius mechanic Calulu and the space warrior Ateda were ordered to repair the spacecraft, but they were scattered by a sudden mysterious explosion in a distant galaxy, and their lives and deaths were uncertain... Is the voyage of the Seer Vanguard squad's interstellar expedition about to end here? At the same time, the evil forces in artificial intelligence are also awakening, and they have planned a terrifying invasion plot to target the beautiful blue planet, the last home of mankind! In the midst of danger, the most mysterious alien adventure suddenly begins, and the craziest rescue operation begins! What difficult choices will intergalactic explorers make in order to survive? Intertwined with grievances, who is the master of the fate of the heroes who wandered on the barren planet? There are more mysterious red elves, where is the destination of the star of light Miryth? How many unknown secrets are hidden by the vast galaxy, the mechanical maze, and the highly developed artificial intelligence in the deep universe?
Copyright: Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd.苏ICP备16051939号